Complete solution:

S. READ POSTER. GET ENVELOPE. N. W. W. type 'Y'. N. SHOW ENVELOPE TO DIGGER. W. E. GET IN GRAVE. GET BONE. GET OUT OF GRAVE. S. E. E. E. GIVE BONE TO DOG. N. N. SEARCH FOUNTAIN. GET COIN. E. BUY TICKET. ENTER THEATRE [^^oops!!^^ be sure to take the note from Voss!]. GIVE TICKET TO DIGGER. N. SEARCH AISLE. GET GLASSES. WEAR GLASSES. [at this time you just keep typing look until the movie is over]. S. TAKE OFF GLASSES. LEAVE. N. N. N. N. N. E. GET BRANCH. GET BRANCH. U. W. N. U. E. S. U. OPEN DOOR. ENTER SHOP. WAIT. WAIT. SHOW ENVELOPE TO WOMAN. OPEN ENVELOPE. READ LETTER TO WOMAN [take the can the woman offers you, then just wait until she allows you to leave]. D. N. W. D. S. E. D. W. GIVE CAN TO TROLL. GET CAN. OPEN GATE. S. S. S. ENTER CHURCH. GET CANDLE. LEAVE. N. W. U. GET SHOE [If your load is too heavy, don't worry about it, I never used the shoe in my solution]. OPEN STUMP. ENTER STUMP. E. S. MOVE BUNK. DROP ALL. U. GET BLANKET. D. GET CANDLE. N. E.

PUT BLANKET ON GRUE. OPEN REFRIGERATOR. GET BOTTLE AND WORM. W. S. GET ALL. N. W. U. N. E. S. SEARCH FOUNTAIN. PUT WORM IN FOUNTAIN. GET TOKEN. W. W. [Now, at Lake Edge, the grating south of you should be open at this time. If it is not, you may have to wander awhile, avoiding the Boots, and come back]. S. GET UMBRELLA. N. SQUEEZE CAN. GET STONE. DROP CAN. OPEN UMBRELLA. WISH FOR RAIN. DIG X. GET WHISTLE. BLOW WHISTLE. W. WAIT. TAKE HAT. WAIT. BLOW WHISTLE. E. N. N. E. S. [West of House... Sound familiar????]. OPEN MAILBOX. GET LEAFLET [At this point, keep typing 'N' until it allows you to go north]. E. GIVE HAT TO PELICAN. W. W. S. GET TOKEN. E. E. PUT LEAFLET IN BIG MAILBOX. S. [Save game now]. PUT TOKEN IN MACHINE. PUSH STICK W. PUSH STICK W. PUSH STICK S. PUSH STICK S. PUSH STICK S. PUSH BUTTON [You will be asked if you are sure, etc, just keep typing 'Y'. Hope those are the right directions, because I am typing this from memory! (heh heh)]. KALUZE [Remember the Pelican?]. S. S. GIVE NOTE TO MR. CRISP. GET COAT. SEARCH COAT. GET KEY. UNLOCK CHAIN. DROP KEY. PULL LEVER. OPEN HATCH. CLIMB UP. U.

WEAR GLASSES. GET CAT. POUR MILK. GET BROOM. FLIP SECOND SWITCH [If it does not say your score went up 3 pts then flip this back and flip the first switch]. D. TAKE OFF GLASSES. MOVE PAINTING. TURN CRANK. D. GET NOTE. READ NOTE. DROP NOTE. U. TURN CRANK. N. N. E. ALEXIS, HEEL. OPEN DOOR. E. GET KEY. READ MESSAGE. W. N. UNLOCK DOOR WITH KEY. ENTER LIBRARY. S. S. BREAK CASE WITH BROOM. [The alarm will not go off since you flipped that switch]. DROP ALL BUT STONE. GET SCULPTURE. PUT STONE IN SCULPTURE [At this point you will get the familiar- Are you sure? Just keep typing 'Y' until you see a bunch of paragraphs pop up on the screen, this is called The End]. KNOCK DOOR.
