WINGS (Cinemaware) (?)

Each letter of the word WINGS on the main menu does something. To access them hold down CTRL, LEFT SHIFT and LEFT ALT while holding down the right mouse button. While holding down these keys and button, you can click on each of the letters in wings with the left mouse button. Each letter does the following:

W - Toggles the music on and off
I - Turns the CAPS LOCK key into an autofire button
N - No flight school missions required for new pilots
G - Guess
S - Saves game without having to exit

To get an awesome pilot (once only) click on the bullseye on the airplane at the top of the flight school menu. The screen will either flash or you will get a requester asking if you want to quit (say no). Then create a new pilot. Enter the name 'Orca The Killer Tomato' (exactly at typed). Orca is all ready and doesn't need flight school.

To access a menu of options create a new pilot. Enter the name '  Who is The Riddler' (be sure to type the two leading spaces). DO NOT HIT RETURN to enter the name, hit ESC instead. Then just follow the prompts. If you run from a hard disk you can hit LEFT AMIGA and ESC to toggle to the Workbench screen and back.

Game tips:

BALLOON BUSTING: The first thing to do in Balloon Busting missions is to take out the AA gun. It isn't too hard so give it a try.

DOG FIGHTS: When involved in a dog fight with other planes always attack from above. This is because if you attack from below the other plane will climb which is very annoying. By attacking from above you drive the other plane down rather than up.

BEING TAILED: When you are being tailed hold the joystick to the bottom- right. You should turn off to the right and out of the other planes line of fire.
