Type in 'BADGER' if the WindWalker ask you for 'the SECOND order or earth',
and so forth...
01: MONGOOSE - 02: BADGER - 03: BOAR - 04: WOLF - 05: LION
06: BEAR - 07: BARRACUDA - 08: MANTA - 09: OCTOPUS - 10: SHARK
11: DOLPHIN - 12: WHALE - 13: RAVEN - 14: OWL - 15: HERON
16: FALCON - 17: CONDOR - 18: PHOENIX - 19: VIPER - 20: COBRA
Since this documentation is a 'how to win' guide for windwalker, so if you
want to enjoy this game to the fullest extent, you should really stop
reading this. However all you want is the fighting actions and to see the
end fast, or just getting stuck, this will definitely help.
The first thing you should do in windwalker is training, get yourself
familiar with the various moves (especially the ranges and recover time (ie.
time to recover from the attack movement) of all the attack forms that you
have) and the enemies of course.
This is a pseudo map of the realm: (realtive position only)
assasin house thief hide isle of Death
Medicine Man
Imperial Palace
2nd shrine
2nd village
1st shrine explorer's
1st village
Medicine man
After 'vigorous' training, you can venture forth into the 'Real World', the
first thing you should do is to find some thiefs or assasin and kill them
for money and food. Use the money to buy incense, food (if necessary). Then
go to the shrine to the north of the village(1st village) and talk to the
monk about incense, he will blessed your incense. Then read the scroll in
the holy shrine. This scroll will tell you how to use the incense.
- When you burn the incense, you will be prompted for the 'prayer' to chant
these prayers are recorded in the scroll in the shrine.
They are:
Heal my Body, Restore my Honor, Empower my spirit, Exorcise(fireball)
their function are self explanatory, and they required blessed incense.
- If you are having trouble beating up the thief and assasin, here is an
easy way to 'go about it'. First, when you see an enemy and then save the
game, after you engage him, and the combat isn't going your way, press
'Q' and run away. This will get you back to the 'overhead' screen. Choose
recall game and do the fight again until you win.
- You will see a blind man in front of the store, give him the money he
asked you and ask him about his shoe, buy this shoe, it will come in use
Get a boat near the shore and sail east of the holy shrine(1st shrine) until
you find the island with a house on it, this is the explorer's house. Go
inside and get the map in the cabinet, this is the best map available in the
game. (you will also find a scroll that is a clue to solve the game but it's
not important because you have me). After that go to the monastary (mark as
a walled circular building in the explorer map). Speak to the older monk
inside, he will ask you if you want to join their brotherhood. You will of
course join them (because they will give you the Staff and Robe).
- In order to join the monks, you 'll have to follow the way of life for
one day and observer the vow of silence. This mean following the older
monk the whole day. After that you are tested in combat against yourself,
if you win, you will get the staff and robe.
- There are scrolls on the second story of the monastary, the one about
Nubia is essential in winning the game. But read them all anyway.
- If you happen to see another boat in the sea hail it. If it is the
fisher-man, ask him about buying supplies and buy 4 striped turtle
shells. (the shell is about 10 bucks each)
- If you happen to pass an island where the Heron bird is resting
(standing) on, disembark and run into the Heron, this will gives you some
heron feathers.
There are four magical talisman in this game, each one requires a special
item and a striped turtle shell for the Shaman (living in a cave on the
Northwest corner of the Isle of Death. (Approach the island from the
northwest corner)) to make. Here are the list and where to find them
| Items required
| Comments
Invisibility | Blind man's shoe | Buy it from the blind man.
Mantra is: unseen presence. |
WaterWalk | Water beetle manibles | While invisible attack a Water
beetle. The beetles can be found in
water in the Isle of Death or a
cavern Northeast of the Imperial
Mantra is: the solid path. |
Invulenbility | Sea dragon's scale | While invisible and water walking,
attack a sea dragon. The dragons can
be found in the water of the Isle of
Mantra is: the armored one. |
Levitation | Heron's feather | Heron's feather
Mantra is: on the wing. |
After obtaining the require item and a striped turtle, go to the shaman and
ask him about 'things' and then the name of the talisman.
- While on the Isle of Dead, and it happens to be full moon, go to the
cavern which is just southwest of the Shaman's cave where the tree of
Immortality grows, there the normal Panda guarding the tree will
reveal his true form as the God of Luck, he will give you the peach
seed that is required to win the game.
- After you get the Invulenbility talisman, you have pretty much
finished the game, because when you use it, you won't take damage from
any combat and the talisman only drain your spirit at a slow rate and
the money from the defeated foes can be use to purchase incense by the
truck load and replenish your loss spirit. You can literally start a
massacre of the Warlord's allies.
Once you have the invulenbility talisman, walk into the palace with your
monk robe on. Go to the building in the back. March up (kill any foolish
guards who happened to be in your way (or maybe you just hate his face)) the
stairs and meet the warlord. With the talisman, this should be no problem.
On any night of a new moon (preferably the 1st night), go inside the palace
(this can be done before obtaining the talisman but you should had the monk
robe on to pass through the guards at the front door, unless you go inside
the palace from the secret entrance from the cave where the water beetles
are), go to the building in the lower right corner. Copy the scroll on the
table and go upstairs to the astral gate (you 'll see the alchemist waiting
outside the gate doing absolutely nothing.) wait until it is midnight (you
can actually sleep there), when the alchemist go in the astral gate, cast an
'exorcise' (fireball) at the gate. (this will sealed up the gate and trap
the alchemist within.
After that you will have to go back to the two shrines and save it from the
spirit the Alchemist brought from the Astral Plane. All you have to do is
cast an 'exorcise' (fireball) at the pocessed priest (monk) in the shrine
- Be careful while casting the exorcise, it takes a lot of spirit. You
need a full spirit to cast it.
Assuming you have kicked the Warlord and the Alchemist, you 'll have to save
the Empreror who is now imprisoned and drugged. You 'll have to make an
antidote to free the emperor from the 'Fu Ma Ren' drug. You 'll have to get
a copy of the Alchemist scroll to the medicine man in the SW corner of the
realm and he will informed you that he has no knowledge of making the
antidote and refer you to the 2nd medicine man hiding in the cave just NE of
the Imperial Palace and give you a letter of introduction. Go to this 2nd
medicine man and he'll give you a key (which open the cabinet in his house)
and ask you to fetch a copy of the scroll found in the cabinet. This scroll
will tell you the 5 ingredients needed for the antidote. They are:
Rhino horn: In the Warlord's cabinet in his room (get the keys from the
Jasimine flower: From the Nubian Princess living in the bottom left corner
of the Warlord's house (back building in the Palace) The
Princess doesn't speak English, so when you are talking to
her, first say 'Salah' (hello), then 'dohnteh' (tea) and
then 'pluumfir' (flower the Jasmine flower)
Seed from the tree of Immortality: From The Isle of Death (see above)
Gold: Given by the explorer when you go to rescue him in the Thief's
Jade: Found underneath the throne in the throne room (central building in
Once you have all five of these ingredients, go back to the cave with a copy
of the scroll from the 2nd medicine man's cabinet. The second medicine man
will then leave the cave and go back to his house to make the antidote,
follow him to his place and wait until he is finished to the Antidote. Once
you have the antidote, go to the jail (SW corner of Palace, and use
invisibility to avoid the Jailer). Go to the 3rd cell (counting from left to
right) and open the door with the key the Warlord had dropped when he fled.
There you will see the emperor and once you give him the antidote and he'll
recover and Moebiuse will elevate you to the level of 'Windwalker' and End
PS: There is a lot of interesting feature in Windwalker, for example if you
talk to the Nubian Princess while she is bathing, your honor will got
deducted, and you can actually go through the Astral gate into the
Astral Plane, etc... Try them out, it's fun.