General hints:

Throughout the game, the copper ball can change itself into:

  1. A cauldron with the aid of the ring.
  2. A sword with the aid of the necklace.
  3. A pipe with the aid of the tiara
Complete solution:

Click on the crystal ball and take the copper ball. Take the tongs and open the cupboard. Take the lard and re-click on the cupboard. Take the knife and exit on the left.

Take the straw and use the pliers on the hand rail. Take the wood and use the knife or tongs on the reed. Take the reed and use the knife on it. You'll then have a flute. Take the reed and exit.

Exit on the right.

Take the tablette and use the key on the skull. Take the ring and use the sleeping draught on the seed. Take the drug, click on the picture and hang it on the hook. Click on the niche and use the drug over it. Click on the niche again and take the mould. Now exit.

Call Urm (use flute on Me) and give him the strawberries. Collect the jam and put the straw and wood in the fireplace. Call up Urm and give him the jam. Now use him on the fireplace. Use gold on cauldron and cauldron on fireplace. Use cauldron with melted gold on mould. Exit towards the lab (to the right).

Use golden key on padlock. Take half-statuette and exit by the trap.

Take the tibia and use the torch in the fireplace. Use lard on cauldron and cauldron on fireplace. Take the cauldron and the planks. Exit left. Use cauldron on bowl and take the rope. Use the ring on the cauldron and the copper ball on the skull (eye socket). Take the stone and use the tibia on the orifice. Use the bowl on the tibia and move the lever. Take the copper ball and exit. Use the ropes on the planks and use all of it on the precipice. Exit.

Use the torch in the carrier and click on the skull - take the stone. Take the tibia to the foot of the left-hand statue and use it on the spear. Use the spear with the tibia on the curtains and blackberries. Call Urm, give him the blackberries and use him on the hole above the door. Use the key in the lock and exit. Click on the sword and the hook - take the sword. Click the sword on the statue and then click on the trap. Use the copper ball on the ring and use the cauldron on the acid three times. Click on the mechanism, the sun, moon and crown. Click on the sword and moon and crown. Take the elixir and effigy from the hiding place and exit. Click on Borgol and use the cauldron on the niche holding the stele. Use the sunstone on the niche. Use the moonstone on the niche (over the sunstone), and then use the effigy on the niche. Now exit.

BRIDGE: Two solutions:

  1. Click on the bridge and use the feather on the chest. Take the venom and the pollen. Prepare the potion: Venom + pollen + elixir in the cauldron. Use cauldron on monster.

  2. Click on the bridge and use the feather on the chest. Take the venom and the pollen. Prepare growth potion: Venom + pollen in the cauldron. Use cauldron on leaves to right of chest. Take the strawberries and call Urm. Give him the strawberries and use the gold on the half-statuette. Use the half-statuette on the water.
Click twice on the staircase and then click on the insect. Use the insect on the large piece of seaweed to the left. Use the glass on the dead fish. Take the steel bar and use it in the crack near the staircase. Use the bar on the small hole. Click on the staircase and the large piece of seaweed to the left. Click on the fishbone and take the harpoon point. Use it on the steel bar. Click on the large piece of seaweed on the left. Use the harpoon on the fish and then on the spikes by the staircase.

Use the sword on the rock and then use the cauldron on the hole. Click on the strawberries and then on the remaining hole. Use Orivor on pile of gold and then exit.

Use venom on snake and the torch on the brambles. Use the tiara on copper ball and the pipe on the wasp trap. Use wasp trap on wasps and then exit.

Click on parchment at bottom (five times). Use the wasp trap on the wasps and pick up the cherries (to the right near the tree). Call Urm and give him the cherries. Use Urm's powers on wasp trap and exit.


1st door: Click on Borgol and the mechanism of the left door. Click on the keystones: bow, goat, cauldron and roast. Now click on skull and exit.

2nd door: Click on mechanism and take the phial.

Click on the guardian and use the gargoyle on the cima. Take the ecu and the hammer. Use the pile of wood in the fireplace and use the phial in the enclave. Click on the fountain and use the lichen in the fireplace. Click the teeth in this order: 12, 4, 6, 3. Take the leaves and use the hammer on the arm. Use amphora on the fireplace and the rag in the water. Use wet rag on your head and on the eye. Use the venom on the right eye and the pollen on the left. Use the flower on the fireplace and the pipe on the snake. Use the coil on the gargoyles and click on the stone wall behind the guardian. Use leaves on the fireplace and the wet rag on the coil. Use the magnifying glass on the bundle of sticks and the potion on the guardian. Click the coil and use the pipe on the tiara. Use the copper ball on the statue and take the copper ball. Now exit.

Take the necklace and the glove. Click on the chest and use the glove on the spiders. Use the glove on the heart and use the heart on the right-hand statue emplacement. Use the chalice on the scales and click on the statue head. Click on the wall hanging and take the mirrors.

Take the key in the oriental vase to the right of the altar and click on the passage. Use the mirrors on the cracks and use the key on the lock. Now exit.

1 - left door 2 - right door

Use the pipe (or sword) on the orifice and use the lightning on the hole in the pulley of the well. Take the net between sleeping statue and column. Take the hooping from the barrel. Exit right. Click on the grating and use the net in the river. Use the fish on the trap and take the crab. Use the grating on the hooping (making a sieve) and use the sieve on the river. Exit. Use the crab on the chest and the copper ball on the necklace. Use the sword on the chest and the key on the lock of the pedestal of the sleeping statue. Use the nugget on the pedestal. Now use the lightning and the sun on the pedestal. Having done that, it's garden time...

Use bag from left-hand corner on the snake. Click on the link and use the bag with the snake on the mongoose. Use the sword on the larch tree and take the root from the bottom left-hand corner. Use the root on the resin and use the resin on the monsters. Use the pipe on the water and the pearls on the basin. Use digitalis on the basin. Use femur, from root of the tree on the right, on the basin. Use the mixture on the queen and transform your pipe into a sword. Use the sword on the rope and exit.

Use the basin on the resin and use the resin on the flower. Use the horn on the wood. Now use liana, which is on the rocky peaks, on the horn and wood. Use the pick on the dark stain under the rock at the bottom left-hand corner. Use the pot on the spring and use the water on the mushrooms (a stone area appears). Use the stone on the bird and click on the eye of the skull, and the worm. Use the worm on the mushrooms and exit the staircase.

Click on the monster and take the strawberries. Take the flute and call Urm - give him the strawberries. Use the gold on the monster and take the haversack. Use the oar on the rowlock and the net on the sea. Use the sword on the fish and the eggs on the spider. Take the sail and use the sword on the bamboo. Use the bamboo on the boat and the sail on the mast. Use the hammer on the ring bows (and put them in the boat). Click on the coconut tree and use the coconut on the sledgehammer. Now use the sledgehammer on the ring bows.

Use the hammer on the padlock. Click on the locker and take the tar. Use the pipe on the bottle. Take the cork and use it on the tar. If necessary, bail out with the cauldron. Use tarred cork on hole and use the hammer on the cork.

Use the key on the lock and enter the cabin. Take the shovel and exit. Use the shovel on the sand until you have eight holes. Use the sword on the oyster and a pearl appears. Take pearl, eye, fish bones, diamond, jewels, sandal and enter the cabin. Call Urm and give him the strawberries. Give the old man the gold, ecu, eye, fish bones, diamond, sandal, jewels, pearl and the ingot. Now use the sword on the planks of wood at the back. Now exit.

Take the sword and cut branches on right and the 'curved' branch on the left. Click on the bushes, with the help of the sword, (the zone is small), which are on the left of the plant. Click on one of the holes - the Orivor appears. Take the gold and give it to Orivor (he gives you a rope). Use the rope on the curved branch and use the bow on the walnut. Use the pipe on the feathers and the feathers on the arrows. Use the bow on the walnut and the sword on the walnut.

Use the cane on the eye and click on the old man. Call Urm and give him the strawberries (you get some gold). Give the gold to the old man and use the cane on the eye. Collect the bilberries on the left and give then to Urm. Use Urm on the old man and take the feather and use it on the chest. Prepare growth potion: Pollen + venom in cauldron. Use potion on mushrooms and collect the truffles. Prepare another growth potion and use it on the grass at the back to the right of the ruby. Collect the camomile and prepare the evil drink: Truffle + venom in cauldron. Use it on the ruby. Cauldron on water, camomile in cauldron and cauldron on fireplace (was ruby). Use the cauldron on the worm (infusion on worm) and use the worm on the mushroom. Exit.

Use the sword on the bush and use the pollen on the quartz (you should get a flower). Click on the flower and take the pistil. Prepare the energy-giving drink: Truffle + pollen in the cauldron. Use it on Borgol. Click ant on leaf at the top right-hand of the screen. Use the pistil on the ant (you change screens). Take three grains of sand and the axe. Prepare the energy-giving drink and use it on the statue (bird). Lower the lever and exit. Click on the mechanism and use the axe on the orifice - lower the lever. Take the key and exit. Use the key on the lock and prepare a transforming drink: Truffle + pollen + venom in cauldron. Use it on the grill. Use the venom on the snake and prepare the evil drink and use it on the ruby. Go and fetch the water from the next screen. Fill the cauldron with water and use it on the flames. Now exit.

Take the bowl and click on the ornament on the statue. Use the sword on the ornament and collect the jewels. Use the sword on the hole four times (hole left by ornament) and prepare an evil drink. Use on ruby and take the jewel. Click on niche of pillar on the far right and click again four times (this excites the animal and it gives out glue). Now use the bowl on the glue.

  1. Prepare energy-giving drink and use on jewel.
  2. Use sword on crack at bottom left (the firefly goes towards the crack).
  3. Take the firefly and use the glue on it.
  4. Use firefly + glue on the dark niche *

    * Firstly on the one on the right. Take and use the twig on the opening of the statue's pipe. Take the jewel and repeat steps 1 to 4.

    * Next, use it on the niche of the pillar to the left of the first one. Use the copper ball on the hole and re-take it. Take the jewel and repeat steps 1 to 4.

    * Next, use it on the niche of the pillar at the back on the left. Take the cracked jewel and put glue on it and use it on the broken jewel and repeat steps 1 to 4.
Use on the middle niche on the left. Collect the fallen jewel near the drawbridge and repeat steps 1 to 4. Next use it on the foreground on the left.

Next, go to the pillar at the back on the left and turn the handle once.

Middle pillar, left turn twice.
First pillar, left, foreground and turn three times.
Pillar, far right, foreground and turn four times.
Pillar, back, right and turn five times.

Take the bow and fire arrows on the illuminated letters: K, R, A, A, L.

Take the heart from the bones and the nail on the wall by clicking several times. Click on the lock and put the nail in the sixth hole of one of the locks (going clockwise). Click on the needle and collect the pin from under the bar that lifts. Put the pin in the sixth hole of the right-hand lock (right - nine o'clock). Put the nail in the third hole of the left-hand lock (left - 3 o'clock). Now click on the two needles.

Click the levers on the machine. Click each lever four times (bring them down and put them back up again) from left to right. Click on the engravings and press the letters: D, J, E, L. Click above the niche and put the heart in the opening (if you've got the heart). Now take the knife. Collect the bamboo at the bottom right of the machine and use the knife on the bamboo. Use it again to get the flute. Call Urm and collect the stone - put it in the hole of the engraving. Click: A, Z, E, U, L, I, S, S, E. Take the statue from the right-hand niche and use it on the niche above the engraving. Use the three grains of sand on: R, E, V, U, S, S. That should be it!! Game over at last!
