Complete solution:

Start in the ship's cabin.
Stand up - (you get out of bed) - Inventory - (you find that you have a reticule containing smelling salts and a bank note) - Examine smelling salts - Read tag - Examine banknote - (the ship lurches and a coffer slides out from under the bed) - Examine coffer - Examine door - Open door - Z - (Crulley bursts in!) - Scream - E - (Crulley stops you but the Falcon enters and clouts him!) - Examine falcon - (he eventually hands you a missive) - Read missive - (he offers you protection) - Falcon, yes - (you are now on the Deck).

Examine davis - (you are taken to the Captain's Quarters.........two days pass by) - Examine ring - Examine falcon - Z - Z - Stand up - Look around - Look through window - Open curtain - Examine cupboard - Examine table - Examine bed - Z - (Captain Jamison gives you a brooch) - Examine brooch - Open coffer - Take invitation - Read invitation - N - (you squeeze through to the Landing) - Down - N - Examine gate - N - Take bottle - Take mirror - Examine bottle - Read label - S - S - Up - Open door - Enter - Take clothes - Remove dress - Wear breeches - Wear shirt - Z - Out.

S - Take coffer - Z - Throw coffer through window - Sit on ledge - Put all in reticule - Take ladder - (you now hang on the ladder!) - Up - Up - Up - Up - (you land on the Poop Deck) - N - N - N - Examine winch - Read lever - Pull lever up - (you lower the anchor) - S - Examine barrels - Tear dress - Put rag in water - Open hatch - Down - Throw rag over gate - (you douse the burning fuse) - Up - S - Examine casks - N - N - Enter shack - Take dagger - E - S - S - Look in cask - Enter cask - Take pork - Put all in reticule Except dagger - Cut rope - (you release the cask into the sea!) - Examine pork - Z - Z - Z - (you eventually drift to some shallows near an Island).

Leave cask - Examine skiff - W - N - E - Pull slat - (Captain Jamison finds you!) - Z - Z - (he asks to kiss you) - Falcon, yes - (now,'s only a game fellas!!) - Z - (he now leaves) - E - N - Open window - W - Examine portrait - Examine bookshelves - Examine globe - Take hat - (you feel a vibration from the floor!.......ooer!!) - S - (the Butler now throws you out!!) - W - E - Examine lucy - Take garter - W - S - NE - Climb vine - (to a Bedroom).

Remove clothes - Wear ball gown - Take invitation - Put garter in reticule - N - N - Take pistols - (out of reach!) - S - E - E - Open door - (locked!) - S - N - W - Down - Give invitation - (to Butler) - S - Dance - Dance - Dance - Dance - W - Examine orchestra - E - Dance - Examine lafond - Examine ring - Open door - S - N - N - E - (the Butler stops you!) - S - E - N - (under the table) - N - Take treatise - Take hat - Press sinistra on globe - (the portrait opens!) - N - Down - E - E - Take key and horn.

W - S - Open door - E - W - N - W - S - (you see a crocodile!) - Squeeze bottle on pork - Throw pork at crocodile - Z - Z - (it sleeps!) - S - W - Unlock door - (with large key) - Open door - N - Give garter to papa - Z - S - E - N - N - Up - S - S - (Captain Jamison is being arrested!) - N - N - S - S - S - N - N - S - Up - E - Knock on door - Open door - N - Drink wine - Pour wine into green goblet - Squeeze bottle into green goblet - Pour wine into blue goblet - Z - (Lafond asks you if the green goblet is his) - Lafond, no - (he takes the green goblet!) - Drink wine - Take spice - Throw spice at lafond - Wave mirror at window - (to signal the Helena Louise).

S - (the Butler is sound asleep!) - W - Down - S - Z - (Jamison's men enter!) - Cookie, yes - N - E - N - Take treatise - Take hat - Press sinistra - N - Down - S - (Cookie deals with the crocodile!) - S - Take rapier - Kill crulley - G - Close trapdoor - Pick lock - (with the brooch clasp) - Wave smelling salts - N - N - Z - Up - S - S - W - Up - E - S - Untie rope - Climb down rope - (you crash into Lafond!!) - (you eventually end up back in the Ballroom) - Take horn - S - S - S - Look at nicholas - Push nicholas - Nicholas, yes - Take pistol - Load pistol - Fire pistol at complete the adventure!!!!!!!!

