Pause the game with 'P' and type 'DIAMONDS AND PEARLS'. Press 'P' again to unpause the game. You will now have infinite life.

General Tips:

Complete Soloution:

Use backdoor key found on monolith. Ignore rubbish and milkbottle.

First goto the watch tower in the castle and collect the power pill. Goto the edge of the bank by where ghosts are. If you are carrying the power pill the ghosts will be flashing and they can be killed if they touch you. Jump of edge of bank and egde of first lily pad until you are on second lily pad. Collect frog and kill the ghosts if you have not already done so. Now return to the castle via shark fin and use frog with prince charming. Drop power pill.

First goto tower is right of castle and jump onto cloud walk along cloud using method suggested above until you are on the edge and jump right whilst on this screen collect duster. Then there is a middle level of clouds on this level where there are two clouds jump to the right of the egde of the second clouds. You are now on the screen callen on the tree (if I say goto on the tree use this method). On this screen there is a platform to the right of and under the platform where the monkey is sitting on the house. On this platform is a big stick. Now go up from this screen (by standing on the right edge of the left upmost platform and jumping right). Jump right of the right edge of the upper right platform and then walk to the edge of the cloud (using method in general tips) and jump to the right once you are on the monolith, jump up to where the cat is and collect cat then jump of monolith. Go and drop the duster by the well. Go to the chapel in the castle and pick up the golden cross leave via window in the watch tower to the left. Now goto the screen where the troll is and stand by the rear end of the goat and hit it with the big stick.

Now continue left until you are in the middle of the screen where denzil is and drop the cross. Now go back to the castle and pick up the handle and goto the well. Jump to the left side of the well and use handle and then collect bucket. Now goto the good witch's island and give the cat to her. She gives you info on how to free dillon (see later). Now jump onto the centre of the lily pad to right of island and jump right. To cross this swamp screen jump of edge of each of the lily pads (while traveling left to right but when going from right to left jump from the centre of the last lily pad off the screen). Once you reach the bank of the swamp go right and pick up the drink me bottle and use the bucket with the hot water geyser. Now go back to denzil and pour the water over him. Drop sterio in watch tower of castle.

Pick up the cross and enter the ice palace go down to the crypt. Drop the cross opposite the vampire. Go down and pick up the torch and the go right and give daisy the drink me potion.

Go and pick the apple by dozy and then goto to on the tree (via clouds) and then to monolith (via cloud) and standing on the edge of the platform (below where the cat was) before the orb jump on to the cloud and then walk to the edge and jump of the right edge of the cloud. You will land on strange henge. Get dagger and goto bush where dillon is trapped and use dagger to get a leaf. Drop dagger and pick up leaf. Now goto the witch's island and give the apple, leaf and torch to glenda. Get the potion and go and pour the weedkiller on dillon's bush.

Go to highest tower in the castle and get the lightning conductor and then goto the watch tower and get sterio and jump off left edge of cloud and then goto bard's house and give sterio to bard and get pipes. Goto where dozy lies asleep and drop conductor on him and then goto the well and pick up duster and fall down the well from left to right pushing right as you fall. You will land on a ledge and then when you play the pipes the mouse jumps into the water. Now go into the secret passage way behind where the mouse was and get the something stick and the go left. Now carefully pick up the lamp making sure you dont get dripped on. Now jump up onto the platform and the off the top of the screen. You now goto where dozy is and then drop the duster and pick up the duster three times and then drop lamp and duster.

Go to the stone where excalibur is and read stone and the pick up sword (this is now easily done because of the something sticky). Now goto to room in palace just below mirror mirror screen and when you are standing at the top left of this room jump left and you will find you self through the mirror in a room called the chessboard walk through this room. You will take the queen since you are now a king (because of sword). Now to rescue grandpa from the room called curiousier and curiosier, just talk to him.

On freeing everyone zak will tell you that you will never leave the island.

Goto the volcano and cross volcano via moving clouds dodging fireballs (remember gems heal energy) and then go down into cave past the right of the volcano and talk to the devil. Get the trident and go and kill zak dodging his lightning bolt and then get his ring and go back to the devil and talk to him. Then bring the ring to the screen to the left on devil and throw the ring through the hole on the left side of this room.

Now your task has finish you only go and talk to the devil and he will tell you that you need 30 gems for the spell to travel home when you have the gems return to the devil and wait for the congratz.
