FIGHTS: Proficent swordplay is essential if your to get anywhere in the
game. The neck chop is one of the more effective blows, but the program
blocks repetition of single moves. To get around this, occasionally switch
to a different move in order to enable the neck chop once again. Give
generously to the poor and you'll be a step closer to obtaining the Sword of
the Spheres.
THE PALACE: To enter the palace, you'll need to get the invitation from the
elusive Gloop, found in Novala. Once you have it, keep out of fights or you
could lose it for good. When you get into the palace, ask Nedrod three
questions and he will give you the talisman, which can help you find another
useful item. Answer the Princess' question with 'its a secret'. She will
give you the Ring of Belz, which will only work in conjunction with the
spell scroll.
GENERAL TIPS: Objects are not always found in the same places from game to
game, so a detailed search of both fore and backgrounds is often in order.
To survive the final confrontation, a high psychic rating is needed, which
can be increased by donating skringles to the poor. Disorderly conduct can
have the opposite effect. The safest technique in the space battles, is to
slow right down as soon as you see the aliens shoot them all, then power at
full steam until the next lot. Follow Readheads ship if you see it. Heatpro
tablets are necessary if you beam down to one of the hotter planets. Makes
notes of what you are told, and use any new names or subjects to weavel out
every last bit of information from the characters.
Playing guide:
Find the Beggar and give him Skringles, twice. Dancis automatically
takes the pommel from his cup.
Find Gloop (that's the small space-suited alien) and ask 'What do you
do?'. He should then divulge some information and proffer an invitation
to the Palace.
Head for the Palace and tell the Guard 'I have an invitation'. On
entering the Palace, proceed to Nedrod's room and ask him four
questions. He will then divulge the necessary information about Captain
Frake's mission.
Visit the Kring, listen, and then accept the Skringles offered.
Meet the Princess and say 'It's a secret'. Take the Ring of Belz which
she gives.
Collect the scroll from the arch to the right of the green door and take
it to the Transporter Room.
Buy some Froodle and Frandanas from Sereena in the market square town to
increase strength. 5 Skringles should do it.
Give charity to Boris the Butler.
Enter the green door, go through the centre arch and head left. Go into
into the Spaceport and on board the ship.
Select the top icon for Zapminola. When travelling in space, it is best
to decelerate as soon as aliens appear. Try to keep them as small as
possible while shooting them and their bullets. As soon as the wave has
been disposed of, accelerate towards the planet but be ready to slam the
anchors on as soon as more creatures appear. Continue like this until
On Zapminola, find Aunt Polly and ask 'Who are you?'. Proffer the
necessary Skringles and accept the Multipep.
Collect the key from the left side of the Town Square. Enter the Kring's
Head, use the key to go upstairs, and collect the Heatpro Tabs from by
the side of the bed. Return to the ship.
Select the icon for Glysta. On arrival, defeat the Swordsman (for
experience) and pick up the Psychisorber at the right.
Return to the ship and select the icon for Feltina.
Immediately take the Heatpro Tabs as protection against the heat (what
else?) and then find the Sword of the Spheres (this cannot be collected
unless the Pommel is already in Frake's inventory).
Practice some more sword fighting and the return to Zapminola.
Find the White Pirate and give to the Minolan children's fund.
Give Skringles to Malagar and go into the Kring's Head.
Buy Grelge and Fissionchips for extra strength.
Go upstairs and listen to the radio.
Board the ship and pick any destination.
Follow the Blue Scorpion through the Magic Ring. After the Redheaded
Pirate and the Princess have passed, use the Ring of Belz (it won't work
unless the scroll has been collected).
Ask Malvalla 'Where am I?'. Accept the Belt of the Celestial Sisters.
Dancis returns to his ship automatically.
Select the icon for Magno.
To survive the Brain Cell, Frake needs a minimum of 100 strength points
and 35 psychic points. On being released, Dancis must kill Redhead with
a final swordfight.
Confront Finn Shadock in psychic combat; he can be defeated if the
Psychisorber has been collected and Frake out-shoots him.
Once Shadok has been despatched, enter the door which opens and watch
the finale............Harmony has now been restored to the Universe!!!
Tips and solution:
Some tips:
When fighting an opponent, move to the left of the screen and keep your
finger on the fire button and the Joystick Up (Head Chops), and you
should defeat him easily.
Defeat all the opponents in each planet then save the game (This will
make it much easier for you to complete the game). Each time you start a
new game load the saved game and you do not need to fight any more of the
Below is a list of items you can take from a few of the characters:
Princess - Ring of Beltz
Gloop - The Invitation
Begger - Pommel
Hippy - Flow
Kring - 25 Skringles
Strell Noto - 25 Skringles
Aunt Polly - 5 MultiPep tablets
Mervin - Transmitter
The first thing to note when reading this solution is that there is a lot
more to The Kristal than just completing the game. Experiment with the
characters in the game. There is a huge amount of story which unfolds as you
The basic tips are as follows; get as many strength, psychic points and
skringles as you can. The first two can be got by eating, being charitable
not using the common `Fuck you butt head` in constructing a sentence and
being peaceful on the Planet Novala. Skringles can be obtained from the
Kring, Mervin and Strell on Zapminola will give you some as well.
Your room can be found in the King`s Head tavern. The key can either be
found in the park on the back sprite line or in the square on Zapminola.
When you find the beggar, give him some skringles twice and accept the
pommel. Find Gloop and ask him what he does. Accept his invitation. If you
have any trouble finding him then try around town by the blank wall or the
Palace Way. You might even need to go into space and then come back.
Tell the guard at the palace that you have an invitation. Go inside, go past
Nerod and get to Kring. Take the skringles. Then meet the princess and say
`It`s a secret`. Take the ring of beltz. Pick up the scrool from the arch
and then enter your ship. Choose the top icon for Zapminola and take off.
When in space it is best to decellarate and keep the enemy as small as
possible to shoot them and the missiles they fire at you. Once a wave of
them is wiped out speed up but then slow down if more of them come.
When you arrive on Zapminola find Aunt Polly and then ask her who she is.
Accept the multipep. Find the lady in white and give to the Minolan`s
Children Fund. Give charity to Malagar and go into the Kring`s Head. Buy
some Grelge and Fissionchips from Venkor and use them for strength. The
skringles can be borrowed from Strell Noto or Mervin Mauve.
Use the key to get into your room above the Kring`s Head. Pick up the
Heatpro Tabs under the bed. Listen to the radio then return to your ship.
Select the icon for Glysta. When you get there pick up the Psychisorber and
have some swordfights to gain some experience. Go back to the ship and
select Feltina.
When you arrive use the Heatpro immediately and find the sword of the
spheres. This cannot be picked up if you havn`t got the pommel. Return to
the ship and visit a few different planets.
Follow the blue scorpion through the magic ring. They only show up if you
have made eight space journeys. After RedHead and the Princess have passed,
use the Ring of Beltz. This will not work if the scroll isn`t held and then
ask Malvalla where you are and accept the belt of the Celestial Sisters. You
will return to the ship automatically and travel to Magno. When you are
released from the brain cell (If you have enough psychic points) you must
kill RedHead in a final swordfight. (You must have the sword of the
spheres). Then confront Finn Shadok in a Psychic Battle. He will be defeated
if you have the psychisorber and out shoot him.
After defeating the Shadok, enter through the door which will now be open
and watch the finale. You have gone with the flow (Whatever the fuck it
means!!) THE END.