JOURNEY (Infocom) (?)

Complete solution:


Start the game, enter the store. Get Esher to look around, Praxix to examine the map. Praxix reply. Tag, buy the map. Tag, sell the map. Exit the store, proceed. Enter the tavern, Esher look around, exit, accept Minar, proceed. Minar scout, go right. Minar scout. Praxix examine bodies, proceed. Minar scout, follow smoke, knock, tell truth. Minar look around, exit. Praxix examine bag, proceed Esher examine stream, find gold, Praxix cast elevation at Tag. Proceed. Enter the cave. Praxix cast glow at staff. Proceed. Enter the pool, leave tube, hide. Examine Minar, wide path, left, take the flashlight, back, right, take blue amulet, proceed. Take cover, drop blue amulet, junction, smelly pool. Dive, take blue amulet, surface, back, back to the cave, proceed. Upstream, upsteam, build raft, launch raft, cross, cross, cross, cross. Praxix cast glow on map. Praxix examine map.


Minar scout, Tag get help, enter, proceed, proceed, proceed. Parley. Tell truth, accept, proceed. Up, left, cast elevation spell at Hurth. Cast wind, leave Bergon, up. Hurth look around. Tag pick up the spyglass, down, dowm, proceed, proceed, proceed, proceed. Back, cast tremor, proceed. Hurth examine runes, enter, left or right, proceed. Cast flare, cast elevation at Hurth, left, right, fight. Hurth flank. Praxix cast mud, combat, combat, combat. Return, back, up, right, exit, split up. Bergon return. Praxix return. Cast blaze, down, back. Stream path. Approach, approach. Talk to the elf. Speak elf tongue. Tag say `AGRITH-B`RAN`. Praxix route, down, back. Esher examine walls. Praxix examine walls, proceed. Left, left, left, up. Elf Home, follow elves. Cast rain.


North route, enter. Confront, down, down. This level. Hurth scout. Around Orcs, right. Praxix examine runes. Speak. Praxix says `LOREM`. Back, past Orcs, cast tremor, cast elevation at himself. Proceed, proceed. Cast tremor, combat, combat. Mix reagent with water essence. Use mix on Bergon, proceed. Enter tunnel, left, Old Mine. Praxix examine walls, back, New Mine. Enter cleft. Hurth examine walls, back. Enter Cleft. Hurth examine walls. Ask Miner about Mine. Ask Miner about Mine. Tag pick up red rock, back, back right. Crude Path. Hurth examine crack, down. Hurth. jump, look around. Praxix, examine key, climb up, back. Ornate Path. Praxix examine door, open door. Mix reagent with fire essence, Use mix on vault. Praxix examine coffin. Praxix examine white stone, back, proceed, proceed, proceed.

Cast flare, proceed. Ask tree about the paths. Ask tree about locations. Road to ruin, cross, proceed. Tower, up, accept, down. Mix reagent with fire essence. Use mix on stones, back. CourtYard, Cast flare, rain or lightening, proceed. Hide, follow Orcs, inventory, use red rock, run, Praxix examine mechanism, cast glow on staff, down. Explore the inside of the mill - Control room, examine dials. Move dials and press button ad wait until the axe appears in the shallow pit. Enter pit. Take axe, Mine rock, go back to the control room and turn dials, press the button. Go back to the pits, enter shallow pit. Praxix should be at an exit, follow light to escape. The dials are different with each game you play, so experiment until you get the correct combination.


Hurth examine shadow. Hide, mix air essence and water essence, proceed. Stay. Ask umber about MudWargs. Get advice. Examine Umbers sack. Mix the black reagant with the water essence. Use mix on staff, leave. Curio shop. Look around, reply. Buy Grey Stone, trade spyglass, proceed. Tavern, Esher examine other table, cast invisibility, eavesdrop, eavesdrop, Eavesdrop. At this time make a note of the Captain`s name as it changes with each game you play, exit. Inn, check in, accept, exit. Wharf, yes, Bergon say (name of Captain you found in Tavern). Zephyr, tell truth, accept, camp out. Mix Grey reagent with fire essence. Call Sheriff, cast tremor, use mix on Sheriff, relax. Climb mast, cast elevation at Tag. Cast wind. Pick up Praxix`s pouch. Mix fine yellow with course red and add a pinch of coarse white, cast mixture.

End of Game - You have finished!
