GLOBULUS (?) (?)
Type 'Zvmo!EG' as a password for the cheat mode. NOTE: Use upper and lower
case as shown! The most important thing to remember is that ALL the puzzles
can be solved without losing a life, so if you lose a life and think its the
only way to solve the screen, look closely. Some of the puzzles get pretty
obscure after level 10, but once you eventually beat them youll kick
yourself for not seeing the solution earlier.
Look before you leap. Think about how the screen will look from a flipped
perspective. A lot of jumps you make will be unnecessary and waste time and
switches if you dont.
Make sure you have enough switches, at least 10 per screen. It is possible
to get stuck on a downward slope with no way to get back up or kill
yourself, and the only way out is to press ESC and start the hole game over.
Level codes:
06: IVEs8AZ? - 11: dynle1cJ