Type 'Neil Harding' in the high-score list and something funny happens.

Play two player game and get both players killed until you have one credit left and the CONTINUE message is displayed on both sides of the screen. Press both fire buttons simultanously and you will get infinite lives.

To avoid fighting the first black muscle-man make sure to kill all of the bad guys up to the girl. When you kill her, take the whip, go up the ladder and keep walking. When he breaks out of the wall he should disappear.

Type 'R U CALLING MY PINT A POOF!' (the '!' at the end might be a '?' instead) on title screen and press RETURN. You should be able to kill every opponent by pressing DEL.

When the title screen pops up, type the followings:

'LEVEL ONE PLEASE'            - Start on level one 
'LEVEL TWO PLEASE'            - Start on level two
'LEVEL THREE PLEASE'          - Start on level three
'LEVEL FOUR PLEASE'           - Start on level four
'THE LAST LEVEL PLEASE'       - Drops you on the last level
'GIVE ME MORE HEALTH PLEASE'  - Lots of energy
'I DO NOT WANT TO DIE PLEASE' - Invincibility
