1. Find a dragon and cast MON ZO GOR SAR and hit ESC to pause the game.

  2. Hold down ALT and type in 'LORD LIBRASULUS SMITHES THEE DOWN'. Unpause the game and slay the beast. He leaves behind a firestaff and your party will be invincible.
Undocumented Spells:

GOR IR KU   - Detects Monsters
GOR IR ROS  - Detects fake walls and 'invisible' (actually hard to see) pits
GOR IR DAIN - Detects 'magic' on screen?
ZO IR NETA  - Anchors the map at the point of casting so that as you move around, the map view stays at the anchored position.


It's REALLY easy to kill ANY dragon. Here's how.
  1. Prepare all your players with MON IR VEN spells (mega poison cloud)
  2. Use the green freeze life box (on the dragon)
  3. Cast the spells, and then double up on each player (ie. each player casts 2 spells for a total of 8)
  4. Wait... dinner will be served soon.

Using the Vorpal Blade:
If you don't have both Vorpal Blades, you can increase no. of hits/time by passing the weapon back and forth between the two attacking players.
(ie. hit -> pass blade to no. 2 -> hit -> pass back to no. 1 -> hit ->...


Contrary to what I've read on the net, everything is affected by fireballs, including knights and dragons. The only exceptions are slime, black flames, and the thing that pops up from the floor.
