CAPTIVE (?) (?)

Combos for bases in mission One:

Butre    - TL,BL,TR,BR
Pelphi   - BR,BL,TL,TR
Meestre  - TL,TR,BL,BR
Triekos  - TR,BR,BL,TL

Combos for bases in Mission Two:

Masgot   - TR,BL,TL,BR
Traphet  - TL,BL,TR,BR
Phoopel  - TL,TR,BL,BR
Sodcket  - BL,BR,TL,TR
Zaitet   - TL,BR,TR,BL
Quelosod - TL,TR,BL,BR
Saldet   - BL,TL,TR,BR
Mieusia  - TL,BL,TR,BR
Pasdet   - TL,TR,BL,BR
Leatod   - BR,TR,TL,BL

When you land go and pick up the message from Ratt on Butre, then return to the Swan and then land again. There will be another message from Ratt. Pick this up as well. Repeat this 88 times (!) and put all the messages in the backpacks, and when they are full, carry them in the hands and one on the cursor, enter a base and find a shop. You can sell all the messages and get about 18,500 credits.
