BOMBUZAL (?) (?)
Actually there is a hidden pause control in the game. When you press SPACE
to access the overhead map screen, if you keep it held down the clock stops
until you release it. When reaching a new level, it's worthwhile to
sacrifice a life to see the explosion pattern. When trying to detonate a
pulsing bomb, pick it up; it's easier to see its size. You are invulnerable
to explosions when teleporting, so use it to your advantage! A blind droid
can't activate switches.
Level codes:
008: ROSS - 016: RATT - 024: LISA - 028: SINK - 032: DAVE - 036: BIKE
040: IRON - 044: BIRD - 048: LEAD - 056: WEED - 060: VASE - 064: RING
068: PILL - 072: GIRL - 076: SPOT - 080: GOLD - 084: PALM - 088: OPAL
092: LOCK - 096: SONG - 100: SAFE - 104: FIRE - 108: WORM - 112: LAMP
120: TREE - 128: SINK - 136: BIKE - 144: BIRD - 152: TAPE - 160: VASE
168: PILL - 176: SPOT - 192: LOCK - 200: SAFE - 208: WORM - 216: NOSE
224: EYES - 232: HAIR - 240: SIGN - 248: MYTH