
Start: Go to the door and press F6 - Open door - Enter the door and go to the cupboard - Press F6 - Take knapsack - Press F6 - Take apple - Press F6 - Take bread - Press F6 - Take waterbottle - Now go to the fire and press F6 - Take gruell - Leave the room and go east - Go to the shed and F6 - Open shed - F6 - Get corn - Go to the gate and F6 - Open gate - Press now the tab key and go to gruell - Press F4 to feed the pig hen wen with the gruell - Now walk west back to the house.

Go to the door and F6 - Open the door and enter - Go to the the bowl and wait - Now you get a rope - Leave the room with the pig - Outside the house you go north - There comes a big bird that gets you and hen wen - You must return to this point after you are free (2x south) - Then go west - Go to the tree and F6 - Get lute - Go west - Go north - Go north - Go north - F6 - Get dagger - Go east - Press tab key - Go to waterflask - F4 - You fill your flask with water - Go south - There is a house in the bushes - Search the underground house - F6 - Open door - Enter door - Go to the cupboard and F6 - Open cupboard - F6 - Get cookies - Leave the house - Go south - Go west (morva marsh) - Go north - Go north - Go north - (Eagle mountain)/start at the right from the screen to walk trough the rocks - When you have walked through the rocks go north - Get the rope and press key 7 and then F2.

Now you climb the rope - If you have climbed the rope you can climb the rocks - After climbing the rock wall you go down on the other side from the mountain - You see some crocodiles - You must swim to the other side - Watch out for the crocos - If you are on the other side you must go to the wall and press F6 - Climb the wall - You see a window and use here the dagger - Enter window - Go east - Go east - Go east - Wait until creeper sits down by the throne - Now F6 - You jump down and go to the pig - Press F6 and walk with the pig west - Again west - Go up - Go west - Go west - Press F6 - The pig is free now - Wait for the henchman - He puts you in prison - In the cell - There is a tin cup - F6 - Get cup - Go door - F4 - Use tin cup - Wait - Down - Go north - Go west - Go west - Go to the wall - Press 4x F6 - Go north - F6 - Get sword - (You can use the sword to stop the henchmen).

Go south - Go south - Go east - F6 - Up - Go north - F4 - Use sword - F6 - Get keys - Press tab key and F4 - Use keys on door - Enter door - (Cell flire flam) - F4 - Use sword to free flire flam - Leave cell - Go west - Go up 1x - Go east - F6 - Open door - F6 - Get all - Go south - Go south - F4 - Use sword to open the bridge - Leave castle - Go east - Go south - Now go back the way through the mountains - Down the rope and walk though the rocks - Now go south - Go east(walk trough the tree) - Here did you find the dagger - Go east - Swim - Go east - Swim - Go east - Bridge - Go to the right side of the bridge and press F6 - Again F6 and you get a food wallet - Go south - Wait here for gurgy and give gurgy the apple - Go south - Falling water - Go west - Go to the pig footprints and jump on the rocks to the big one - (F6) - Down - Press F6 and F4 - Offer the lute to kingeiddileg - Now you get a mirror and the flying dust.

F4 - Use flying dust to go up - (In the water)leave the water and go west - Go west - (Swamp) - F4 - Use the flying dust - Fly to the left from the screen, to the yellow ground - (Hidden area of morva) - Stop flying and press F4 - Go to the door and F6 - Open door - Go to the chest and F6 - Open chest - Now wait for the witches - Then F6 - Press tab key and get sword - Press F4 use - Outside - Press F6 - Don't go to the black cauldron - Wait for gwythaint - He must steel the black cauldron then use flying dust - Fly east - Fly north - Stop flying and press F4 - Go north - Go north - Go west - (Base eagle mountain) - Now go back to the castle - Go to the bridge and enter the castle/ - Inside the castle you go north - (Wine cellar) - Go north - Go west - Down - Go east - Go to the grate - Press F8 - Press F6 - Press F6 - Now wait and look what happens - Do nothing - The game is over for you - Let the computer play the game for you now - Don't get the book and the gold at the end - Wait until the game is over - You can press the help key to see the commands.

