Level 1 & 2:

ANTOINETTE, MARIE .................. 1793
Simple just walk the labyrinth

ARC, JOAN OF ....................... 1429
You need the Fire Extinguisher to turn of the fire.
Get the Fire Extinguisher from '0064'

BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VON .............. 1810
You need the Note to make him follow you.
Get the Note from '1805'

BONAPARTE, NAPOLEAN ................ 1805
You need Nothing to get Him.

EINSTEIN, ALBERT ................... 1915
You need the Calculator for this guy.
Get it from '0010'

FREUD, SIGMUND ..................... 1901
You need the Flower for Him.
Get the Flower From '1810'

KAHN, GENGHIS ...................... 1209
You need the Twinkie for this fatso.
Get the Twinkie from '1878'

KID, BILLY THE ..................... 1878
You need Nothing, wait you need for fist to beat the shit out of 3 ugly dudes.

LINCOLN, ABRAHAM ................... 1863
You need to Bribe him with a Penny.
Get the Penny from '9410'

MICHAELANGELO ...................... 1509
Pretty easy to get him. But beware of paint can's.

NERO ............................... 0064
Get the Violin and this guy will be your slave forever.
Get the Violin from '1509'

SOCRATES ........................... 9410
Collect the Coins and climb the rock to get the answer.

Other Ages:

CIRCLE K ........................... 1989
DESERT ............................. 1632
ICEAGE ............................. 0000
ONE MILLION B.C. ................... 0010
SAN DIMAS MALL ..................... 1990

Level 3 & 4:

ANTOINETTE, MARIE .................. 1793
Simple just walk the labyrinth.

ARC, JOAN OF ....................... 1429
You need the Fire Extinguisher to turn of the fire.
Get the Shovel '1805' and go to '1632' and dig, then you get the Fire Extinguisher.

BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VON .............. 1810
You need the Note to make him follow you.
Get the Butane from '1429' then go to '0010' give butane to caveman, and get the Note.

BONAPARTE, NAPOLEAN ................ 1805
You need Nothing to get Him.

EINSTEIN, ALBERT ................... 1915
You need the Calculator for this guy.
Go to '1989' go in the shop, take the Icepick and go to '0000' and use the IcePick, then you get the Calculator.

FREUD, SIGMUND ..................... 1901
You need the Flower for Him.
Get the Seed From '1209' then go to '1990' and plant the seed in the tree pot outside the mall, take the flower.

KAHN, GENGHIS ...................... 1209
You need the Twinkie for this fatso.
Get the Bread Box from '1901' go outside stand next to the edge of the street, then drop the bread box. Then you get a Twinkie.

KID, BILLY THE ..................... 1878
You need Nothing, wait you need for fist to beat the shit out of 3 ugly dudes. You need the 1$ Bill from '9410' before you complete this scene.
(Read 'LINCOLN, ABRAHAM' first)

LINCOLN, ABRAHAM ................... 1863
You need to Bribe him with a Penny.
Get the 1$ Bill from '9410' and then go to '1878'. Go to the Bar man and give him the 1$ bill, then you get a Penny Back.

MICHAELANGELO ...................... 1509
Pretty easy to get him, but beware of paint can's & drops. A little hint: jump up in the paint drops so you don't fall down.

NERO ............................... 0064
Get the Violin and this guy will be your slave forever.
Get the Key from '1863' then go to '1509' and use the key on the Violin Box in the Corner.

SOCRATES ........................... 9410
Collect the Coins and climb the rock to get the answer Simple or what.

Other Ages:

CIRCLE K ........................... 1989
DESERT ............................. 1632
ICEAGE ............................. 0000
ONE MILLION B.C. ................... 0010
SAN DIMAS MALL ..................... 1990
