ASSASSIN (Team 17) (1992)

On the high score table, enter one of the following: 'ASSASSIN', 'THE ONE THE ONLY', 'SUPERFROG', 'ALIEN BREED', 'PROJECT X', 'PSIONIC SYSTEMS'. Enter your name as 'MIDAN' on the hi-score table. Your name will be changed to 'Fat Little Git'. You will now be able to restart on whichever level you died on instead of having to go back to the start.

On the first level, climb the left side of the first tree you come to, climb to the very top. Now pause the game and type 'ACEVIEWFROMUPHEREMATE' and the screens border will flash. Unpause the game and use the following keys:

1-6 - Go to corresponding level with infinite energy.
W   - Gives you maximum weapon configuration.
E   - Takes you straight to the end of level gaurdian.
C   - Grants infinite continues.
