ALFRED CHICKEN (Twilight/Mindscape) (1993)
On the title screen, type 'HELPMARK' for a level select screen. Press 1-9 or
A-B to select the level you want.
On level one go through the first door as usual. Then go to the far right
bottom and jump up to go through a secret wall to get a special weapon, then
exit. When you re-appear, jump on the spring at the bottom left and just as
you start flying upwards push up so that you hit an invisible block with a
door on it. Now go to the right across the floating platforms, but instead
of going through the door as normal, stand on the edge above the door and
fire the weapon. Another invisible block should appear jump on this block.
Then jump up left and walk across the top of the screen to the first secret
block and go through the door and you will enter a secret warp room.